We believe a rising tide lifts all boats. We believe that a diverse set of skills and experiences, merged with a shared common goal, will lead us to a thriving West Michigan community where all have the opportunity to pursue a better future. We believe that our diversity is what gives us strength. We believe collectively we can make a difference.

2021 At a Glance


Supported 232 families in west michigan with Refugee Navigator services.


Provided educational support services to 237 students.


211 Volunteers supporting 4 Refugee Education Center Programs


Program Outcomes


Refugee Navigators



Hands Connected



Project Faulu



Graduate & Grow





Our Programs and Services


Project Faulu

Refugee navigators



Hands connected


graduate & Grow


Programmatic Strategy


We seek to provide primary and supplemental education programs designed to coincide with traditional education in order that students and children may excel. We also provide cultural education to communities at large so that they may fully support and engage their new American neighbors, students, and/or co-workers.


Economic Stability

We seek to help develop economic opportunities and guide refugees in career opportunities, as well as prepare people for engaging with and using financial systems.


Health systems can be complex to navigate, we seek to break down barriers and build bridges to make necessary healthcare and mental healthcare more accessible.


Cultural & Lingual

For many, the United States poses many cultural and linguistically challenging situations that differ from birth countries. We seek to prepare refugees so that they many engage with new cultures while retaining identity.


Our History and Vision

Formed in 2006 by a group of Somali Bantu refugees, it is central to the organization to share the knowledge learned from a first-person perspective of how to navigate refugee services and joining a new community. While we have grown to add expert social service providers and leaders, we will always view this first-hand experience as vital to our success. We engage newly resettled refugees, and the refugee community at-large, in two ways, including: our direct services and through referral partnerships with local social service agencies and programs. We walk alongside refugees in the post-settlement phase of their journey, removing barriers and providing support in their journey to become fully participating members in the community — continuing services for however long it takes.

